Introducing my Watch me Grow Package

Welcoming a new baby into your life is one of the most incredible experiences. The days are long, the nights even longer, but before you know it, those tiny toes and sweet smiles grow into first steps and giggles. It all happens so fast, which is why I’ve created my "Watch Me Grow" baby milestone photography package—designed to beautifully document your baby’s journey from birth to their first birthday.


My Watch Me Grow packages offer my clients exceptional value for the highest quality professional prints and digital images. Each package is fully customisable, so you can pick and choose how many and which type of sessions you wish to include.


 Here’s a breakdown of what each session typically includes so that you can make an informed decision about what to include in your package:

1.     Newborn Session (0-4 weeks): The first session is all about those first precious days. I focus on capturing the delicate beauty of your newborn, from tiny fingers and toes to the peaceful expressions they make while they sleep. This session is held in the comfort of my cosy studio setting to ensure your baby is relaxed and at ease.

2.     Three-Month Session: By three months, your baby will likely be more alert, with eyes wide open, starting to recognize faces and respond to sounds. This session highlights those first smiles, the beginning of personality, and the early stages of tummy time. It’s all about capturing those first sparks of interaction.

3.     Six-Month Session: At six months, your baby is typically sitting up, maybe even starting to crawl. Their expressions are more varied, and their personality shines through. This session is perfect for capturing playful interactions, giggles, and those sweet chubby cheeks.

4.     Nine-Month Session: The nine-month mark is often a time of exploration. Your baby might be pulling themselves up, trying to stand, or starting to move with more purpose. This session is all about capturing the curiosity and excitement of this stage, with plenty of opportunities for candid moments.

5.     One-Year Session: The grand finale! The first birthday session is a celebration of all the milestones your baby has reached. Whether you choose to include a cake smash, a fun outdoor setting, or a birthday themed studio shoot, this session captures the joy of this incredible year of growth. It’s also a perfect time to reflect on how far they’ve come since those early newborn days.

Why Choose a Milestone Package?

Choosing a "Watch Me Grow" package ensures that you won’t miss a moment of your baby’s first year. It’s a commitment to capturing every stage, preserving not just the milestones, but the little details that make each stage so special. From the first sleepy newborn days to the excitement of a first birthday, each session adds another chapter to your baby’s story.

But it’s more than just photos—it’s about creating a legacy. These images become a part of your family’s history, something you’ll share with your child as they grow older, and with future generations. It’s an investment in memories that you can hold onto forever.

For further details including pricing, please visit or contact me via email at