Terrible Twos

Every parent has heard of the phrase “the terrible twos”, but I’m not convinced that this is an entirely fair description of this particular age.

Yes, of course toddlers are known for having the odd tantrum or two, but I find this age to be one of the most exciting period of a child’s life. I mean if you think about it, this is when a child’s personality really comes into his or her own. It’s when he or she develops his or her own likes and dislikes while independently interacting with the world around them.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know from first-hand experience just how full on children can be at this age. With this in mind I can fully understand why parents are often anxious about having professional photos taken in a studio. However, I like to reassure clients that I know what I’m doing!

For a successful photoshoot with toddlers, you simply have to look at the experience from his or her perspective. Imagine what it’s like when your little one first arrives at the studio. Most studio spaces are filled with strange looking equipment and lights that cause toddlers to usually react in one of two ways. Firstly, (and most commonly) a toddler will be overwhelmed by what he or she sees, which defaults to them clinging onto whoever brought them into the studio. On the other hand, your little one might feel very excited and be desperate to explore these new surroundings.

I have had the odd occasion where a toddler has been totally overwhelmed and cried for the first few minutes after arriving at the studio. However, this doesn’t last very long when he or she sees the toys that I have put out on the floor for them to play with! I always ask parents before the photoshoot what would be the most appealing thing to play with and encourage them to bring anything from home that would be comforting.

To begin with I like to keep my distance, but chat with my clients and or older siblings until I can see that little one has relaxed being in my company. At this point if I sense that I can sit on the floor near to little one I try to join in with playtime for a little while. My camera is nowhere in sight until I am confident that everyone in the studio is happy and relaxed. Then, and only then will I start taking photos.

Depending on a child’s mood I will try to get some posed shots while he or she is sitting down. If sitting still isn’t on the agenda don’t worry, I will capture as many candid shots as possible (candid shots at this age are always really cute!) I also have a number of tricks up my sleeve that are almost guaranteed to have little one smiling or in fits of giggles.

If all goes to plan, I will capture beautiful images for you to treasure. However, if the experience proves to be all too much on the day I am more than happy to reschedule a photoshoot. Everybody has their off days so I’ll never hold it against you!

To find out more about photography packages for older babies and toddlers please visit www.rebeccaelwellphotography.co.uk/babyphotographywarwickshire or give me a call on 01789 576 016 for a chat!