Newborn Area

This area is dedicated to taking photos of newborn babies. I have two super comfy beds ready to go for every newborn photoshoot where babies can enjoy sleeping while I take his or her portraits .

I change the fabrics on these beds to meet each clients preferences of colour and texture. Clients are invited to shop the look that they want from my prop storage area either prior to the photoshoot, or if they are unsure what to select they can see all of the options on the day of the photoshoot itself before making a final decision.

Portrait Area

This area is where I take my portraits. The backdrop extends to cover the floor to create a seamless look for family portraits, cake smashes, or individual photos of younger children who are able to sit up unaided.

I have a variety of backdrops that can be changed for your photoshoot to match the colour scheme that you have in mind.

The lighting set up that I use in my studio is specifically manufactured for newborn photography. The flash is heavily diffused creating a beautiful soft light that is safe for baby's sensitive eyes.

Parent Area

When you arrive at the studio I invite you to take the weight off your feet and make the most of the complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits that are available during your photoshoot.

There is also a baby changing table for you to use that is well stocked with extra wipes and nappies should you run out. A nursing cushion is also available to make feeding your baby in the studio as comfortable as possible.

I also have a selection of toys to keep children entertained when they are not needed during the photoshoot.

Prop Area

The prop area is somewhere that always surprises clients when they first enter the studio.

Since starting my photography business I have certainly developed a little bit of an addiction to building up my prop collection. I have something to suit everyone's tastes from my fellow neutral lovers to the more statement colours for both newborn photoshoots and cake smashes.

Thanks to my love of all things crafting and knitting many of the outfits, wraps and cake smash banners have been handmade by yours truly.

photo of the props in Rebecca Elwell's photography studio
photo of the props in Rebecca Elwell's photography studio
photo of the props in Rebecca Elwell's photography studio
photo of the props in Rebecca Elwell's photography studio

To find out more about my photography services, or to book your photoshoot please visit my website or email me at