A Big Day For All The Family

The first day of school is one of those moments that sticks with you—probably more than it will for your child! It’s a big day, full of emotions, and it can be tough to navigate. Having been there myself, I wanted to share some tips that helped me cope with my own child’s first day of school. Hopefully, they can help you too! P.S don't forget the all important front door photo...

1. It’s Okay to Feel All the Feels

Let’s be honest, the first day of school isn’t just a big deal for your child—it’s huge for you too. I remember feeling a mix of excitement, nerves, and a bit of sadness all rolled into one. It’s totally normal! Give yourself permission to feel whatever comes up, whether that’s pride, anxiety, or even a little teary-eyed. I found that acknowledging those feelings instead of pushing them away helped me feel more in control.

2. Prepare, But Don’t Overthink It

In the lead-up to the first day, I was all about getting everything ready—laying out the uniform, packing the bag, and talking through the day with my child. But I also realized that over-preparing could make me more anxious. So, I kept it simple. We talked about the fun stuff they’d do at school, who they might meet, and how it was okay to feel a little nervous. This approach kept things positive and light, which made both of us feel more at ease.

3. Focus on the Excitement

I tried to focus on the positives—how exciting it was for my child to start this new adventure. We talked about making new friends, playing on the playground, and all the cool things they’d learn. By shifting the focus to the fun aspects, I found it easier to keep my own nerves in check. Plus, it helped my child feel more excited and less anxious.

4. Create a Special Morning Routine

On the first day, we made sure the morning was special but not rushed. We had breakfast together, took some “first day” photos, and talked about how the day would go. Having a calm and positive morning helped both of us start the day on the right foot. We even walked to school a bit early so we could take our time and enjoy the moment instead of rushing.

5. The Drop-Off: A Moment of Courage

This was the hardest part for me—saying goodbye at the school gate. I made a conscious effort to stay positive and upbeat, even though I felt a bit emotional inside. I gave a big smile, a hug, and some encouraging words before letting them go. Afterward, I allowed myself to feel the emotions and blubbed like a baby, but I also reminded myself that this was a huge, exciting step for both of us.

6. Stay Busy After Drop-Off

Once I’d left the school, the quiet was deafening. To cope with that empty feeling, I made plans for the day—meeting a friend for coffee, doing some errands, or even just going for a walk. Keeping busy helped me distract myself from the worry and focus on something positive until it was time to pick them up and hear all about their day.

7. Share the Experience

Talking to other parents who were going through the same thing made a world of difference. We shared our feelings, laughed about our anxieties, and reassured each other that everything was going to be okay. Knowing I wasn’t alone made the whole experience feel much more manageable.

8. Celebrate the Milestone

When the school day was over, we made a point to celebrate. I asked my child all about their day, listened to their stories, and praised them for their bravery. We even had a little treat to mark the occasion. Focusing on the positives and celebrating this big step helped both of us end the day on a high note.

Final Thoughts

The first day of school is as much a milestone for you as it is for your child. It’s okay to feel emotional, and it’s okay to take time for yourself after drop-off. Remember, this is the beginning of a wonderful new chapter for both of you. You’ve done an amazing job getting your child to this point, and now it’s time for them to start their own journey. And don’t worry—you’ll be right there with them, every step of the way.

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