Prints in a Digital Age

My New Year’s resolution this year is believe it or not to print more photos. I, like almost everybody else I know, have countless photos on my phone and computer that I love, but have never printed.


Life seems to get increasingly busier every year, which is partly why I never get round to printing my own photos. However, I am also guilty of enjoying the convenience of my photos being stored digitally. I tell myself that these photos will be there whenever I want them, but before I know it I realise that I have forgotten about them for months at a time. If I had taken the time to print and display my favourite photos I could have enjoyed seeing them day after day without having to search for them in a storage folder.


As a professional portrait photographer I made the deliberate choice to include high quality matted prints in all of my photography packages. I have also invested in online software that makes it really quick, convenient and easy for my clients to order more prints directly from their online gallery. This is a service that I pride myself on as it isn't always readily available from a number of Warwickshire based photographers who prefer to sell digital packages.


As lucky as we are to enjoy the benefits of living in a digital age, sometimes we forget that doing things the ‘old fashioned way’ is actually better. For me this rings true with my digital photos. Even though I can access them almost any time that I want to on a screen, it just isn’t the same as seeing them printed. For me personally it transforms an image into a work of art.


However, the real catalyst behind my New Year’s resolution was the realisation that unless I print my favourite photos, one day my daughter will have no physical record of our family life during her childhood like I did. We both love looking back at photos together, so this possibility broke my heart a little. I wonder how many people also feel the same way as me?


I am now in the process of getting my favourite photos printed and enlarged and have also decided to make an annual family photo books for myself and my daughter to have as keepsakes.


I really hope that this blog has inspired you to create your own keepsakes for you and your family to enjoy. As Dr Seuss famously said, “sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”. 

To find out more about my photography services, or to book your photoshoot please visit my website or email me at