Keeping it Simple

When I first started out as a newborn photographer I was amazed at the sheer amount and variety of props available to purchase. For a shopaholic like me the temptation was often just too much to resist!


However, it didn’t take me long to realise that less really is more. Now don’t get me wrong I still love my props, but as I have developed my own style I use fewer props in my photos. The simple reason for this is that I like to make sure that baby is the star of the show. After all it is what my clients actually hire me to take photos of.


Before I potentially put off anyone who likes to include lots of props in their newborn pictures, I do of course take into account personal preferences. I am more than happy to follow my clients wishes.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with including hats, headbands, flowers, hearts and stars etc. In fact, some of my favourite client photos have them. I do however insist that I include some simpler set ups in my clients’ galleries for a couple of reasons.


The first reason being that newborn photos are rarely just for the parents to enjoy. Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles etc. often want copies of the photos for themselves. With this in mind it is best that baby’s gallery includes a variety of images with and without props to cater for different tastes.


Secondly, the simpler the set-up, the more timeless your images will be. As with anything fashions and trends are constantly changing. I would hate to think that those beautiful photos of your baby become “outdated” in a few years’ time. These images are some of the most precious keepsakes of family life. It is my job and privilege to make sure that will be the case for many years to come.

If you are interested in investing in a newborn photoshoot, or for more information about any of my photography packages visit