Cake Smash Fun! Let the celebrations begin...

The first time that I ever heard of a cake smash photoshoot was just before my now ten-year-old niece’s first birthday. My sister took her to a local photography studio to have a cake smash session and until I saw the photos I had no idea what she was talking about!

Fast forward to the present day and I have now been offering cake smash photoshoots in my Warwickshire based studio for a few years now and I can hand on heart say that I absolutely love them.

Just in case you aren’t sure what a cake smash is, let me take this opportunity to explain. A cake smash is a photoshoot dedicated to capturing milestone images of baby’s first taste of birthday cake as part of his or her birthday celebrations. The ‘smash’ part comes from the fact that baby essentially uses his or her hands to eat the cake without any intervention, which to say the least makes a bit of a mess in the process! It might sound a little strange, but I promise that it makes great keepsake photos of baby having fun and looking adorable while smothered with cake.

I love to treat cake smash sessions like a mini birthday party by filling the studio with balloons to match my clients chosen colour scheme and playing fun party songs.

Parents can also choose to add on a portrait sitting prior to the cake being introduced. This is when I take portrait photos of baby wearing his or her cute little outfits. You don’t need to bring anything along with you if you don’t want to as I have a selection of props, outfits and accessories that you are more than welcome to use during the photoshoot.

Another option is to add a ‘splash’ package to the photoshoot where I take photos of baby enjoying a bubble bath in a vintage tub. There is no need to worry about protecting your little one’s modesty as the bubbles do most of the work and strategic camera angles do the rest!

If you are interested in celebrating your baby’s first birthday with a cake smash and want to find out more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me via phone or e-mail or visit